What is Green Cleaning ? Executive Order 13101 ( The President) defines Green Cleaning as "the use of products and services that reduce the health and environmental impact compared to similar products and services used for the same purpose".
Green Cleaning is more than just using "Green" products. The success of a Green Cleaning Program incorporates numerous other factors. While the selection of products is important, it will have little effect on an otherwise inadequate cleaning regime that leaves facilities unclean and the health of visitors, occupants and the environment at risk. Green Cleaning encompasses a total program including:
Green Cleaning improves Indoor Air Quality by helping to clarify the connection between cleaning, health and protecting our environment.
What makes
Why Go Green ? Growing up in the foothills of the Adirondack Mountains of Upstate New York, I was inspired by the great outdoors and from a young age, love and respect for the environment was no stranger to me. This was at a time when we were first learning of and, what the effects of Acid Rain were. Large areas and many lakes were left decimated by the "acid from the skies".
There is no question that we have had a negative impact on our environment. Industrial smoke stacks releasing toxins into the air, dumping of waste onto our land and into our water have left areas uninhabitable and have had an adverse affect on the air we breathe and the water we drink. The end result being negative effects on our health such as asthma, nausea, reproductive disorders, rashes, respiratory infections and chemical sensitization. We must remember that we have to live in this world and it's the place that we're going to leave for our children.
But, there is hope.......... Change... We are finally entering an era of change. Through recycling and using more sustainable or renewable resources, energy conservation and using less toxic or non toxic solutions, we can help reverse the impacts that we have made on our environment.
The cleaning industry is well focused on this movement and in many aspects, leading the way. What once focused on simple appearance now focuses on the healthiness of a building's occupants. Technological advancements in Green Cleaning has allowed for environmentally conscious cleaning solutions, highly efficient equipment, HEPA vacuuming systems, Micro Fiber cleaning systems, containers made from recycled and recyclable packaging, education and certification programs that ensure program success and affordability! At EarthShine Cleaning, we have always embraced a healthy home and workplace and fully promote the Green Movement in our words, our actions and our cleaning. |