Cold and flu season....Ugh!!
Cold and flu season have you down? Hopefully not yet!....You may be interested to know that the CDC has reported that your annual trip to the doctor for the flu shot may not be as effective this year. It is believed that the flu shot for this year has not been made for the flu strain that is expected in the U.S. this year. what do I do now????
As a cleaning for health company, I'm here to tell you that there is help!....Without the flu shot.....! We always profess that Green cleaning is cleaning for health....which is just that....we are interested in keeping you, your family, clients and employees healthy. So, as with any cold or flu....what is your first line of defense?....No, not a plastic bubble!!!.......Wash your hands!
It is proven that frequent hand washing can reduce your chances of contracting a cold or the flu by as much as 86%! There are many other factors such as airborne particles, how often to wash, etc. ...but the fact remains that a simple wash with soap and water remains your best defense from colds and flu...(of course, always check with your physician should you have any conditions that may need special attention). I have often been asked...." How long should I wash my hands for?" Simple.....sing the Alphabet Song while your washing your hands.....this is ample time to remove soils on you hands and remove germs and viruses......and here's a fun one....when your in a restaurant restroom.......sing Happy Birthday to yourself.....Out Loud....make people think a little.....!!!!!
There has always been a debate between anti-bacterial soaps and regular soaps.....which is more effective. Anti-bacterial soap...of course kill germs...but are not very Green. Regular soap and water have been proven to be just as you may have to make your choice. And there are also debates about the effectiveness of and healthfulness of ingredients in certain hand sanitizers....which do work and are important when soap and water are not available. Always read labels and when in doubt....research the item!
Tips!!!.....As always I have some tips for you........think of employing a certified Green Cleaning firm, cleaning for health!....and any firm that is truly interested in your health will be glad to visit your office or home to give you tips on disease prevention!
Just a few thoughts about hand washing........Remember, whatever you touch.....someone has touched before always....
Go Green and stay Healthy!!
As a cleaning for health company, I'm here to tell you that there is help!....Without the flu shot.....! We always profess that Green cleaning is cleaning for health....which is just that....we are interested in keeping you, your family, clients and employees healthy. So, as with any cold or flu....what is your first line of defense?....No, not a plastic bubble!!!.......Wash your hands!
It is proven that frequent hand washing can reduce your chances of contracting a cold or the flu by as much as 86%! There are many other factors such as airborne particles, how often to wash, etc. ...but the fact remains that a simple wash with soap and water remains your best defense from colds and flu...(of course, always check with your physician should you have any conditions that may need special attention). I have often been asked...." How long should I wash my hands for?" Simple.....sing the Alphabet Song while your washing your hands.....this is ample time to remove soils on you hands and remove germs and viruses......and here's a fun one....when your in a restaurant restroom.......sing Happy Birthday to yourself.....Out Loud....make people think a little.....!!!!!
There has always been a debate between anti-bacterial soaps and regular soaps.....which is more effective. Anti-bacterial soap...of course kill germs...but are not very Green. Regular soap and water have been proven to be just as you may have to make your choice. And there are also debates about the effectiveness of and healthfulness of ingredients in certain hand sanitizers....which do work and are important when soap and water are not available. Always read labels and when in doubt....research the item!
Tips!!!.....As always I have some tips for you........think of employing a certified Green Cleaning firm, cleaning for health!....and any firm that is truly interested in your health will be glad to visit your office or home to give you tips on disease prevention!
- Grocery Stores- Always wash your fruits and vegetables! Vinegar is a good substitute for soaps!
- Most, if not all stores have hand sanitizers and wipes at the front entrance.....don't be afraid to use them...use on your cart handles and hands...(don't be afraid to grab a wipe to bring to your car to use after handling bags and such)!
- When bringing groceries home , don't forget that you were not the only person on the planet handling the packaging....always wash your hands after putting your stores away!
- Restroom etiquette....always wash your hands before leaving a restroom!.....haw many have washed your hands, threw the paper towel in the basket, grabbed the handle and walked out? Yup....I thought so.....truly, you should wash hands and use the paper towel to open the door...keeping a barrier between your hands and the handle....then discard the paper towel.......don't worry if the business didn't have the basket next to the door!!!!
Just a few thoughts about hand washing........Remember, whatever you touch.....someone has touched before always....
Go Green and stay Healthy!!