<![CDATA[ - EarthShine Cleaning Blog]]>Thu, 05 Sep 2024 14:24:29 -0500Weebly<![CDATA[December 08th, 2014]]>Tue, 09 Dec 2014 02:01:14 GMThttp://earthshinecleaningpc.com/earthshine-cleaning-blog/december-08th-2014Cold and flu season....Ugh!!
   Cold and flu season have you down? Hopefully not yet!....You may be interested to know that the CDC has reported that your annual trip to the doctor for the flu shot may not be as effective this year. It is believed that the flu shot for this year has not been made for the flu strain that is expected in the U.S. this year. What........so what do I do now????
   As a cleaning for health company, I'm here to tell you that there is help!....Without the flu shot.....! We always profess that Green cleaning is cleaning for health....which is just that....we are interested in keeping you, your family, clients and employees healthy. So, as with any cold or flu....what is your first line of defense?....No, not a plastic bubble!!!.......Wash your hands!
   It is proven that frequent hand washing can reduce your chances of contracting a cold or the flu by as much as 86%! There are many other factors such as airborne particles, how often to wash, etc. ...but the fact remains that a simple wash with soap and water remains your best defense from colds and flu...(of course, always check with your physician should you have any conditions that may need special attention). I have often been asked...." How long should I wash my hands for?" Simple.....sing the Alphabet Song while your washing your hands.....this is ample time to remove soils on you hands and remove germs and viruses......and here's a fun one....when your in a restaurant restroom.......sing Happy Birthday to yourself.....Out Loud....make people think a little.....!!!!!
   There has always been a debate between anti-bacterial soaps and regular soaps.....which is more effective. Anti-bacterial soap...of course kill germs...but are not very Green. Regular soap and water have been proven to be just as effective....so you may have to make your choice. And there are also debates about the effectiveness of and healthfulness of ingredients in certain hand sanitizers....which do work and are important when soap and water are not available. Always read labels and when in doubt....research the item!
   Tips!!!.....As always I have some tips for you........think of employing a certified Green Cleaning firm, cleaning for health!....and any firm that is truly interested in your health will be glad to visit your office or home to give you tips on disease prevention!
  • Grocery Stores- Always wash your fruits and vegetables! Vinegar is a good substitute for soaps!  
  • Most, if not all stores have hand sanitizers and wipes at the front entrance.....don't be afraid to use them...use on your cart handles and hands...(don't be afraid to grab a wipe to bring to your car to use after handling bags and such)!
  • When bringing groceries home , don't forget that you were not the only person on the planet handling the packaging....always wash your hands after putting your stores away!
  • Restroom etiquette....always wash your hands before leaving a restroom!.....haw many have washed your hands, threw the paper towel in the basket, grabbed the handle and walked out? Yup....I thought so.....truly, you should wash hands and use the paper towel to open the door...keeping a barrier between your hands and the handle....then discard the paper towel.......don't worry if the business didn't have the basket next to the door!!!!

   Just a few thoughts about hand washing........Remember, whatever you touch.....someone has touched before you.....as always....
                         Go Green and stay Healthy!!
<![CDATA[November 03rd, 2014]]>Tue, 04 Nov 2014 00:42:53 GMThttp://earthshinecleaningpc.com/earthshine-cleaning-blog/november-03rd-2014Hard Surface Flooring or Carpets...........
   For the longest time I've wondered which surface is Greener.....and healthier when comparing Carpets to Hard Surface floors. I feel that I have finally made my decision, but let's take a closer look and let you decide.  In trying to keep this just about the surfaces themselves, I'll avoid the manufacturing, extracting and recycling of these as we could debate for months on this..... First, let's take a look at Hard Surface Floors.
   When I say Hard Surface Flooring, I'm referring to, basically, any flooring that is not carpeted. Wood floors, Ceramic, VCT, Terrazzo, Natural Stone, etc. are all examples of this and I will refer to these as Hard Floors from here on out. Hard floors, from my cleaning point of view, are slightly easier to maintain......that is, a good dust mopping or vacuuming with a back-pack vacuum and a thorough mopping and they are kept in good condition for many months. Advancements in Microfiber technology have allowed for equipment that attract more dirt while using Microfiber dust mops and mop heads and Green Cleaning solutions have come a long way from the orange smelling, do little cleaners of the past.
    Yet, with any type of flooring, Hard Floors do need additional attention to help maintain a pristine look and reduce wear and tear on the surface itself and, it's hard to argue that a well maintained Hard Surface floor will long outlast any carpeted floor. But....as far as allergies and helping to maintain a healthy indoor environment are concerned.......let's think about this......I'm sure we've all encountered those little "dust bunnies" before. Those little creatures that pile up in corners and under shelves, etc.. They accumulate in those areas because of air flow and a lack of surface to trap them.,,,,,many can be like a skating rink!  Without being trapped or removed, they are free to roam a home or office until being removed. Basically, we would have to dust mop, HEPA vacuum and mop Hard Surfaces constantly to help keep a healthy indoor environment.......which, is unsafe for your clients and family, and probably not very financially viable.
   Now let's take a look at carpets.......basically, a nightmare for Environmental Technicians! A nightmare in the fact that it takes longer to vacuum thoroughly, spot cleaning and requires more frequent extraction (steam cleaning as many will call it). Carpets have long been considered a bane for both cleaners and owners....in fact, I have known many people that will hold off on having their carpets cleaned for the basic fact that carpets get dirty faster after having been cleaned, than ones that have not been cleaned. True to some extent....maybe with 2nd and 3rd generation carpets (that's another conversation) but advancements in carpet technology, green cleaning solutions and proper rinsing techniques can easily put that to rest ( did you know that a majority of carpeting is made right here in America....Dalton, Georgia, USA!!! )! Also, carpets do not last as long as Hard Surface floors, mat down....especially with furniture on them and high traffic areas wear out faster leaving an unpleasant visual aspect that, and without proper care, needs to be replaced sooner....meaning replace the whole carpet!
   So, let's take a look at the healthy aspects of a carpet. Carpets are much more designed (not originally) to trap allergens than hard surface floors....just looking at it will tell the tale!! All the spaces and weaves....may not attract but will hold dirt and allergens until they are properly HEPA vacuumed out of the carpet and removed from the area......of course a more frequent vacuuming will remove more allergens and dirt......but just being able to hold these particles until being removed, seems much better for indoor air quality than having it "free roam" about a home or office.
   We'll leave this for you to decide.....I think my minds made up! But no matter which way you chose....Go Green and remember...
                       We don't inherit the Earth form our Ancestors.........we borrow it from our children...........
<![CDATA[September 26th, 2014]]>Fri, 26 Sep 2014 21:33:37 GMThttp://earthshinecleaningpc.com/earthshine-cleaning-blog/september-26th-2014Catching up on some reading.....
   I finally have had a few moments to catch up on some reading and was going through an article from Seth Borenstein about the United Nations Intergovernmental Panel on Climate change. All I can say is, "What an eye opener". It seems that after years of scientists screaming about global warming.....it's finally becoming a reality.....and so much so that even the United Nations is examining this tragedy. 
   Although I haven't read the 127 page report myself (hard to get a hold of and short on time). Seth Borenstein puts it to light as he describes the report as saying that the melting of the Polar Ice Caps and the decline of many of the worlds glaciers may be "irreversible"! The word "irreversible" is printed in the report 36 times! And, equally alarming is the word "risk" is used 350 times....that's an average of 3 times per page!
   They uphold the fact  that this is all caused from CO2 emissions....or Green House Gases, the product of burning fossil fuels for energy. Hard to believe that driving to work, or running to the store for a gallon of milk is melting the Polar Ice Caps, but it's a fact. We truly need to re-think some of our actions and the way we do things....but there is hope........
   Solar Energy has come a long way from the times of the giant panels to light a single light bulb on a cloudless day. In fact, the United States Department of Energy just released a report from the Solar foundation that says that the installation of Solar Energy Systems in K - 12 schools has increased by 110% between 2008 and 2012 , equaling 490 megawatts......yes, megawatts! All that energy is free and.....renewable!
   True, not everyone has a Solar Energy System but, the technology is there. Not too long ago I posted a link on our Facebook page about a company that had developed a system that plugs right into a standard outlet in your home. There was no need for the batteries and capacitors and all that fun stuff. All that is needed is a dedicated outlet and circuit breaker. It comes with 2 solar panels and the equipment for the do-it-yourself person but it's always recommended to have a professional on hand! According to the companies estimations, their system will run a standard home throughout the day with zero CO2 emissions....that is consumption of electricity from your provider and will pay for itself in 14 to 18 months. 
   As always, there is also something we all can do to help our environment.....and we do it everyday!         Green Cleaning.......

                       Remember....We don't inherit the Earth from our Ancestors.....We borrow it from our children......
<![CDATA[Independence Day Celebration!]]>Tue, 17 Jun 2014 00:56:03 GMThttp://earthshinecleaningpc.com/earthshine-cleaning-blog/independence-day-celebration   In honor of the signing of the Declaration of Independence, we are offering 25% off the first months cleaning for new clients! Call us before July 15th, 2014 for details on this fantastic offer!  ]]><![CDATA[Natural Mosquito Repellent]]>Mon, 09 Jun 2014 23:58:36 GMThttp://earthshinecleaningpc.com/earthshine-cleaning-blog/natural-mosquito-repellentNow that summer's in full swing....and some (including us) have had their fare share of rain...pesky critters are out and about ready to munch ON US!....Try this and be a little Greener!
Yay!! It's Spring!! Time to get ready for Mosquito invasions.  Here's an easy & pleasant repellent recipe you can make at home: 

Combine in a 16 oz bottle:
15 drops lavender oil
3-4 Tbsp of vanilla extract
1/4 Cup lemon juice. 
Fill bottle with water. 

Ready to use. Make some extra to gift to your neighbors, family & friends. (Trust me.. it'll be appreciated!) ]]>
<![CDATA[April 22nd is Earth Day!]]>Thu, 03 Apr 2014 02:31:13 GMThttp://earthshinecleaningpc.com/earthshine-cleaning-blog/april-22nd-is-earth-dayPicture
  April 22nd is Earth Day and as a Certified Green Cleaning company, it's the culmination of all the things we try to do for everyone....which is basically..... everyone's health!
 I like to think of it as New Year's, Thanksgiving, Christmas, Fourth of July, Labor Day and Arbor Day.....all rolled into one neat package! As I remember, the things we did yesterday are affecting us today......and it's true.....what we do today will affect our children.......

It's not easy being Green......

    When I first began exploring starting our own Janitorial Service, the first thing that came to mind was a company that was geared towards health, environmentalism, commitment to training our employees and commitment to their health and well being as well. As you hopefully have read the "About Us" section of our website, you may have noticed that I grew up in the foothills of The Adirondack Mountains of Upstate New York. This was at a time when the effects of Acid Rain were first coming to light as many areas were decimated and many beautiful lakes were deemed "dead".This wasn't the first...nor last areas affected by humans impact on our planet.
     As everyone began to realize....we DO, have a significant impact on our planet and inadvertently, a significant affect on our health and well being as well. I shouldn't bring the "question" of global warming here as it may  excite many as to it's existence, but it does need mentioning. The next question was.....how do we change this and how much will it cost?......The answer is....Going Green Isn't easy...it takes hard work and commitment. 
    Technology has helped considerably through developing new ways to use recycled materials, green energy, green cleaning technology and green cleaning solutions....to name a very few...........GREEN has come a long way!
     But.....we need to go further.........

This Earth Day, 2014, I propose........

    This Earth Day I propose we do....just a little bit more.....Green Cleaning is probably the easiest, most economical and affects everyone at home and the office......after all it's where we spend most of our time. 
    *For those just starting a Green Cleaning Regimen....DO NOT FLUSH THE OLD SOLUTIONS DOWN THE DRAIN! Just getting rid of the concentrated solutions has a more adverse affect than just using them up. Use them according to the recommendations on the label, then recycle the container, of course. Then begin to integrate your Green Cleaning solutions into your home or office.
    *For those at the office, hopefully with a Certified Green Cleaning firm, don't bring in cleaning chemicals from home....you are completely defeating the purpose. Your Certified Green Cleaning Firm will be glad to help you with cleaning solutions or selections for times when they aren't scheduled for cleaning.

    As always, we have plenty of tips on our FaceBook page, but here's a few to consider.....I'm sure there's many more!!
*Hire a Certified Green         Cleaning Firm
*Solar energy
*Plant a fruit tree
*Recycle oil for bio-diesel
*Change air filters  monthly
*Hold the door open for  someone
*Start a compost pile
*Walk to work
*Check home for energy
*Eat fresh
*Start a recycling
 program at home and  office
*Pick up  garbage/recycle trash  on the side of the road
*Low sodium foods
*Use micro fiber      cleaning clothes
*Avoid bottled waters
*Bicycle to work
*Down size vehicle
*Use Green Seal Certified
 Cleaning Solutions
*Turn off lights
*Take shorter showers
*Plant a tree
*Use HEPA filter  vacuums
*Inspect HVAC systems
*Avoid high cholesterol  foods
*Use re-usable shopping  bags
There are so many more.....but we have to start somewhere....
       We don't inherit the Earth from our Ancestors..... 
                                              we borrow it from our children.......

Happy Earth Day and always....Go Green......
<![CDATA[Monday Morning Blues]]>Sun, 02 Mar 2014 01:41:19 GMThttp://earthshinecleaningpc.com/earthshine-cleaning-blog/monday-morning-bluesPicture
Yes, it's Saturday and many of us are enjoying the weekend....warmer weather (for some of us), spring in the air, St. Patrick's Day around the corner, Spring Break......just relaxing with friends! 
....My point is....it's Saturday so who cares right!
Come Monday morning....it'll be the same old....back to the grind....Monday Morning Blues!!!

A little known fact, and many of you don't even realize this (unless it's happened to you).....the proper selection of a Commercial Cleaning Company can have a direct impact on the morale of you, your office staff...and...... YOUR CLIENTS.  Picture this......it's Monday morning. You have an 8:30 appointment with on of your toughest clients. You were running a little behind because the bus for your children was late. You enter your office and begin to settle in and notice that the trash is still there from last Friday......and your desk is still dusty......and...what's that smell!!!!   The plate with a few scraps of food left from Fridays luncheon....IS STILL IN YOUR TRASH AS WELL!!!  Stinking like a GARBAGE DUMP!!!!....You gasp...and no sooner than you breath in for more air, the intercom from you secretary beams the one thing you don't want to hear..." Good morning Mr. So-n-so...Ms. Such-n-such is here for her 8:30 appointment.....and brace yourself...I don't think she's had her coffee yet...." 

I've seen it before.....and believe it your not......that's a modest one! This is what I mean by the proper selection of a Commercial Cleaning Company IS an important task and should not be judged on price alone. Of course I'm going to put a plug here for a Certified Green Cleaning firm...such as EarthShine Cleaning...as I firmly believe that a certified Green Cleaning Firm shows commitment, integrity and concern for health an safety above all others. But, I do want to give you some tips that might be helpful when hiring a Commercial Cleaning Organization.

    First, certifications and organizations. What type of certifications do they have and what industry specific organizations do they belong to.....and can they prove it. Having the certifications and belonging to industry specific organizations shows a commitment to what they are doing and what they believe in.
    Second, Training...What type of training do they have for their Cleaning Technicians.....hands on....written, text version, videos, on-going training, re-certifications?.......Fact is, they should be doing all of this....and a little more. I was in a hiring situation once and the applicant said the last company she worked for simply gave her the address and the key and said " Go clean...come back when you're done..." ..So.........ponder on that....
    Next....Security......after all, 95% of all commercial office cleaning happens after hours....when everyone's gone home for the day. Some questions to ask...."How are the keys to my building handled?", " What happens if my office keys are lost or stolen?", "What do you do about theft?", " How do you handle a problem situation that should need my attention immediately?", "Do you do back-ground checks and drug screening?".....I shouldn't have to answer these for you....make sure you get the answer you want to hear!
    Of course....there's pricing!....Just a quick note, it is true....you get what you pay for! I've worked for companies that charge $35-$40 an hour (in this area) for commercial services......WHY?...."Because we give our cleaners booties to wear in your office and come around and visit you once a month..."....ANY commercial cleaning company that is committed to what they do should have multiple forms of contact with you and NOT CHARGE YOU FOR IT!!!!!!...and not for advertising either!  I've seen others, as well that charge $10 an hour.....for what...to come in and empty trash and wipe down your restrooms with "your" paper towels. .....Get multiple bids and make sure that it is specified what they will do, when they will do it and a FIXED price!
    Lastly....as there are so many more...but in short, are they licensed, bonded, insured......references.....list of cleaning solutions and equipment, an SDS (formerly MSDS) for review before your start, list of your employees that will be in my building.........the list can go on and on...I'm sure you have some of your own as well. 

Don't let your Monday Morning Blues be worsened by a dysfunctional cleaning service....after all....you have enough to worry about.....

Go Certified....and GO GREEN!!!!

<![CDATA[February 05th, 2014]]>Thu, 06 Feb 2014 01:15:49 GMThttp://earthshinecleaningpc.com/earthshine-cleaning-blog/february-05th-2014Dirty Money....
   I was just reading a very interesting article from the Green Clean Institute about Dirty Money....no, not stolen or the other things! Dirty Money...How contaminated is it?.... and this goes along with my last Facebook post...

   It really made me think that although our world is mainly local, things around us in our towns and cities, everything we handle is GLOBAL! Our meats, our fruits, our vegetables, our furniture, our money.....everything! (We always say buy local, buy fresh!) . The same is true with our money. Money travels with us, we buy things, we get change, it exchanges many hands a day. 

   So, what is on our money? The amount of bacteria, viruses, etc. are endless. Everything from a particular region including local viruses, flora and fauna which can include pollen and mold  to E. Coli and Salmonella. Some of the findings were quite scary and when you think of it, we exchange money everyday.....without blinking an eye. To top it off......as we all know.....money travels FAST!!!!

   The bottom line is....wash your hands!!! I can't stress this enough....Green Cleaning 101 tells us that washing your hands is the most effective thing you can do to protect yourself from illnesses. Sooo......keep this in mind as you're handling  your "Dirty Money" as well.......

<![CDATA[January 25th, 2014]]>Sat, 25 Jan 2014 20:18:41 GMThttp://earthshinecleaningpc.com/earthshine-cleaning-blog/january-25th-2014Picture
You can make your own all-purpose cleaner using three basic, inexpensive, non-toxic ingredients. They are: water, hydrogen peroxide, and lemon juice. You can use this cleaner for everything from streak-free mirrors to wiping out the cat litter box.
The recipe:

2 cups Water
1 cup Hydrogen Peroxide
¼ cup Lemon Juice

Mix and adjust to suit your needs.

Hydrogen peroxide is the key to this cleaner. It’s inexpensive, non-toxic, and readily available. It's a nearly odorless liquid that is commonly used on open wounds and therefore safe to use around pets and children. Hydrogen peroxide has stronger cleaning capabilities than vinegar and works much like bleach, just without any harmful health or environmental effects. You can also add about half a cup of this mix into laundry water to whiten clothes. The acidic lemon juice helps break down grime and add a fresh citrus scent. Water helps dilute the mixture. I keep it pre-mixed in a labeled spray bottle for easy access.
